Monday, May 23, 2011
I tell them that the first painting contest on recycling has been a success. Involving more than 1,500 children committed tocaring for the environment and June 15 will the results. This success gave me the idea to organize a large children's painting exhibition on recycling and care of our planet to year. For this, Ilaunched the Second Children's Painting Competition on cleaner oceans, in celebration of World Oceans Day. You can see the contest in the "Competitons". You have until 27 June.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
What is energy?
The ability to have a person or object to wield power and performany activity is called Energy. This means that for any activity such as playing, walking, etc ... we need that strength.
In ancient man hunted, fished and walked with his strength and his hands, that is, using his own physical energy. Then, my friends, the man used his intelligence and created things that helped him as spears, arrows and stone tips for hunting, which increased their physical energy, and one day the man found he could use alternative sources of energy to do your job better as the strength of animals (the ox to help plow, for example), then use the energy of other animals such as horses for transportation and thusthe man was looking for new sources of energy to progress
Over time, the man discovered the renewable energy, not just because they are natural solar energy is coming from the sun and wind energy that comes from the wind among others.
There are also non-renewable energy that are as complete as regards fossil fuels coal, oil and natural gas and nuclear energy that comes from radioactive minerals.
However, the man continues to seek new energy sources and has found that wood residues, plants and animals produce energy and that is what we call biomass energy.
Also the trash that is in our homes or in landfills with appropriate technology generates energy and waste left over in the process can be recycled, but all these forms of energy, pollute our planet,some more than others. So what we must do all to plant trees because they are the ones that convert pollutants in clean air,oxygen.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Today is World Day for Recycling!
Lets celebrate recycling. Do not forget to give a gift to this day: You can assemble the things you do not use in your box of toys and gifts to those in need, you can put you do not use paper and bring itto the recycling containers ... there are many activities you can doto celebrate this day. Think that many kids like you are recycling. Happy day, my friend , because it's your day too!
Friday, May 13, 2011
A glass recycling!
Glass is a silicate melt. It consists of silica (quartz) and is a transparent and amorphous inorganic material. It is used to make bottles, flasks, glasses, windows and other products.
The first glass vessels were produced in Egypt around 1,500 BC and Denmark became the first country to recycle glass in 1962.
Glass is a material that can be recycled many times and not lose their properties. You can reuse. Washed and reused.
The advantages of glass recycling are: saving energy, reducing the volume of solid waste, raw material savings and improved environmental quality.
In some countries, glass containers are deposited in green bins, but it is best to ask your mom or dad where they deposit their glasses.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
What are the recycling bins?
Each city produces a lot of garbage a year. This waste must be reduced by buying only the necessary products should be reused to generate less waste or be recycled into recycled raw materials to start another production cycle.
When we recycle we take the trash such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastics and other debris that can be used to develop other products in containers that are identified for it. I show you the colors of my tentacles suckers so you know that red is for such hazardous materials such as batteries and batteries, but unfortunately the countries identified these containers with different colors, while Chile put paper in the blue bin, Mexico does in the yellow or while Spain put the oil in the orange other organic wastes and so there are many other cases that prevent the universality of the colors of the containers. So it is best that you ask your mom or dad where to put the wastes in question or to read yourself and see signs on my pages which are the garbage that you can recycle and why it is so important to reduce, reuse and recycle.