The ability to have a person or object to wield power and performany activity is called Energy. This means that for any activity such as playing, walking, etc ... we need that strength.
In ancient man hunted, fished and walked with his strength and his hands, that is, using his own physical energy. Then, my friends, the man used his intelligence and created things that helped him as spears, arrows and stone tips for hunting, which increased their physical energy, and one day the man found he could use alternative sources of energy to do your job better as the strength of animals (the ox to help plow, for example), then use the energy of other animals such as horses for transportation and thusthe man was looking for new sources of energy to progress
Over time, the man discovered the renewable energy, not just because they are natural solar energy is coming from the sun and wind energy that comes from the wind among others.
There are also non-renewable energy that are as complete as regards fossil fuels coal, oil and natural gas and nuclear energy that comes from radioactive minerals.
However, the man continues to seek new energy sources and has found that wood residues, plants and animals produce energy and that is what we call biomass energy.
Also the trash that is in our homes or in landfills with appropriate technology generates energy and waste left over in the process can be recycled, but all these forms of energy, pollute our planet,some more than others. So what we must do all to plant trees because they are the ones that convert pollutants in clean air,oxygen.